You are here: Utility menu > Setup Console > Submission Suite > Submission Suite General Configuration

Submission Suite General Configuration

Prior to using the Submission Suite, the module must first be set up and then attached to the customer web site.

To Begin Setup

  1. On the Utility menu, click SETUP
  2. In the Setup Console, navigate to Submission Suite > Configuration > General. The General Configuration screen is displayed.
  3. In the General Configuration screen, the Regular Access Link and Tester Access Links become available only after at least one Program has been setup. See the Submission Suite Programs topic for more information.
  4. Select the Submission Suite Portal check box to enable the portal.
  5. In the Portal Disabled Message area, enter the message that customers will see when the portal is not Enabled. This could potentially contain the reason the portal is not available at the moment.
  6. In the Submission Return URL box, enter the URL to which the customer will be returned to once the submission is complete. Be sure to include http:// as a prefix to the URL entered. For example, instead of
  7. In the Home URL box, enter the URL to which the customer will be directed once they click on the Submission Suite selected logo. In this example, the logo is in the upper left corner of the screen. Be sure to include http:// as a prefix to the URL entered. For example, instead of

  1. Click [Save] before leaving this page.

Related Topics

Submission Suite Color Scheme

Submission Suite Notification

Submission Suite Credit Card

Submission Suite Programs

Submission Suite Utilization